Impostor Syndrome


Golden star with yellow lights on a string

"Fake it till you make it".

We've all heard this before. I've given this advice to many friends and use it as a motto in my life too.

However, after reading a certain article through LinkedIn by Alex Cattoni on types of Impostor Syndrome, I realized that this motto might be doing more harm than good. 

So, to those I've given this advice to, please ignore it. Do it your way, however, you feel comfortable. I'm not a professional, so the advice I give is through my personal experience, and it might not work for you.

Impostor Syndrome is when a person feels that they don't deserve what they have achieved and fear the thought of being discovered as a fraud. The various symptoms of this syndrome are: 

    • being too self-criticizing
    • unable to self-assess in a non-biased manner
    • attributing your success to external factors
    • setting up unrealistically high standards and feeling disappointed if they are not accomplished
    • micro-managing to the extent that delegating tasks become difficult. 
    • Being disappointed because the tasks you delegated to others are not up to the standards you have set.

The reason I'm telling you all this is not so you can diagnose yourself with a disorder that is not there. It's just for the reason that at some point in time, we all find ourselves in situations where we are too hard on ourselves.

I'm just asking you to let go of criticism that will sabotage your growth. Try to understand the fact that mistakes are a common occurrence, and you don't have to judge yourself on the mistake that you made. 

Move forward. Grow. Love yourself. Try to be happy. And remember, we all are stardust and hence, each and every one of us has magical powers.


Dante's Sentinels 😊

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