
Closed eyes tongue out smiley drawn on rocks


No, this post is not about why laughing is good for you. Because I don't know if it is.

So, here is the thing... I laugh a lot. Some people will not agree with me, some will. That's because they both have not seen the other side of me. 

And some people have asked me a few times as to why I laugh so much. 

So, this is the conclusion that came about.

I laugh because I'm happy and also because I love laughing. I laugh because I love the fact that if I laugh too much, I'll have laugh lines and people will feel happy being around me.. Positive vibes and all, you know.

But that's not all. I also laugh when I'm feeling uncomfortable, sometimes I laugh so that I don't cry, and sometimes because there is no other option and I can't think of a witty reply.

I laugh when I'm in pain so that I can divert my mind. At times, I think of weird replies that would make others uncomfortable, but thinking of them makes me laugh.

I also find weird situations funny, and no, they are never funny to others. 

So, please don't ask me why I laugh so much, there are a lot of reasons, that even I'm not aware of. 

It's just that, laughing makes a situation bearable. It calms me and centers me.

Do tell me if you also just love to laugh, or do you have reasons as well? 


Dante's Sentinels 😆

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  1. I laugh to make myself believe that it's all just elementary and no one moment is ever going to be same as the other. pain or happiness.. all require us to laugh(or smile at least) so that we can see the picture more clearly with a better sense of self. Kudos to the people who have mastered this art.. And good luck to the people trying..

